Very useful parameter when selecting an electric vehicle is the maximum slopeovercome. Here the explanations on the types of ascents and type of vehicles to be used.
Electric vehicles - Alkè ATX200E - traveling uphill in Arquà Petrarca - colli Euganei Italy
To calculate a percent slope simply you apply the following formula:
If I cover one meter and I rise 30 cm the percentage of slope is 30%. In practice how to do? Just take a one meter shaft, a spirit level and a plumb line. Put the rule horizontally checking with the level, and then write down how long is the plumb wire, this distance will be the searched percentage. Make attention don't confuse percentage and degrees. A 100% slope is a 45° slope... (try with the just explained method!) |
WARNING: Gradeability for vehicles is measured in percentage, and it differs from the slope in degrees, for example, a 100% slope is a 45 degrees slope. The slope in percent and the slope in degrees are DIFFERENT.
Table of correspondence between percentages slope and degrees slope.
Slope in percentages | Slope in degrees | Vehicle type |
5% | 2,86 degrees | all electric vehicles |
10% | 5,71 degrees | all electric vehicles |
15% | 8,53 degrees | all electric vehicles |
20% | 11,31 degrees | Alke' electric vehicle |
25% | 14,04 degrees | Alke' electric vehicle |
30% | 16,70 degrees | Alke' electric vehicle |
35% | 19,29 degrees | Alke' electric vehicle HP25 |
40% | 21,80 degrees | Alke' electric vehicle HP25 |
45% | 24,23 degrees | 2 wheel diesel vehicle |
50% | 26,57 degrees | 2 wheel diesel vehicle |
55% | 28,81 degrees | 2 wheel diesel vehicle |
60% | 30,96 degrees | 2 wheel diesel vehicle |
up to 100% | up to 45 degrees | off road vehicles 4x4 |
Is maximum slope the only important parameter? No, we must also consider how long it's such an uphill climb to overcome a 10-15 meter such as a ramp to the garage or in hospitals is very different from facing a climb of a hill.
Vehicles and slopes: very often our customer ask us what is the best vehicle that best fits depending on the terrain and climbs to be tackled, we here a brief summary: 
slope - electric vehicles test - ALKE ATX 200E - waste collection vehicles
Parameters | Description |
Garage ramp | All Alkè ATX200E and ATX 100E electric vehicleshave no problem, because they are optimized for that situation. |
Slope of an embankment | An electric vehicle is able to deal with departures from standstill uphill smoothly |
Dunes slope | For sandy soils must have an electric vehicle or 100E ATX ATX200E with trim and off road kit "Alkè sand." |
Hilly paths uphill 400mt. | In this case it becomes necessary to have an electric vehicle ATX 100E or ATX 200E with HP25 power kit, and we must analyze the length and terrain characteristics. |
Dirt up and down | For the dirt road you must have an electric vehicle ATX ATX 100E or 200E with SUV attitude and you have to go and analyze the slope of the most insidious that should not be above 30% if it is between 30% and 40% becomes need the kit HP25. |
Dirt track - up to 60% gradient | In this case you need the vehicles Alkè Kubota Atx 100Dk or 200Dk. |
Off Road - up to 100% gradient | In this case the best vehicles is Alkè 4x4 |
Signs of Slope:
Table: Recommendations to better tackle the slope with different road surfaces. Do not underestimate these parameters.
Slope | Description |
Slope asphalt | This slope is the easiest to address because the power required is constant. |
Slope on dirt with holes | The presence of holes increases the slope so if you stop inside a hole is required in the event missed departure to go back. |
Ascent steps | The steps increase the slope of the hill so if you are greater than 7 cm. necessary to construct the tracks so that the slope is constant. |
Ascent steps with hairpin | The hairpin is the critical point of a climb as it is missing a run and also it has the maximum slope, so it is here that we must calculate the slope of the hill.
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