Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mark your real location with Google Maps

Google Maps has added a new feature to allow you to “Edit” where your address falls on the map. To do so, you simply enter in your address on Google Maps and select the “Edit” function. From there, you’re now able to move the marker to more accurately show where your residence or business is located.
The idea here is that often times it’s difficult to actually find certain places, even if you have the physical address. I’ve often found this is especially true with newer housing developments, where the location in Google Maps is very approximate at best. The new feature encourages you to drag the marker for a given location to the real entrance point.
Much like a wiki, Google will also save a history of all changes to markers, with an option to “Show Original.” Additionally, when you play around with moving the marker, Maps notes that if you move the marker more than 200 meters, the change will not appear immediately.
The Google Maps team has been busy of late, adding in YouTube videos, expanding Google Transit support, and upgrading their mobile version.

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